Most of the nation agrees that employers have some responsibility to their employees through insurance, which is one of the reasons worker’s compensation policies were mandated. Unfortunately, another reason for their invention was to limit the legal liability of corporations. Regardless of the reasoning behind the development of such policies, they often do provide significant relief to employees who are injured on the job. Unfortunately, not every injury or policy is created equal, which means you need to look to local laws to understand how and if your injury is covered under local worker’s compensation insurance.
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Repetitive motion injuries, like carpal tunnel, are often the result of repetitious labor, like typing or lifting heavy objects. While some would argue there is no denying that such injuries are a result of a job, not every state agrees. Some jurisdictions leave the burden of proof on the employee, forcing them to show the evidence that their job caused the injury. Other states are more lenient and understand that common sense can be proof enough. For example, a secretary spends eight hours per day typing on a keyboard and develops a wrist injury; most rational people will conclude that the job led to the injury. Unfortunately, with any workplace injury, it is better to prepare a defense; in which case, you might want to consult with an attorney.
Debilitating Injuries
It is often easier to prove a workplace injury when the harm to the worker is significant or permanently scarring. Typically, the company will have a record of the exact event that led to the injury, meaning most workers will have a simpler time receiving the benefits they deserve. However, it is always best to consult with and possibly hire a lawyer.
Legal Counsel
Having legal counsel ensures that you do not get in over your head. An attorney understands the finer details of the laws governing worker’s compensation. They also have connections that can help them streamline the process, especially if you hit a few metaphorical roadblocks along the way. Your lawyer is your advocate, not a company representative.
If you experienced an accident at work, or if your job has led to a repetitive motion injury, consider seeking legal advice. A workers’ compensation lawyer like one from Hurwitz, Whitcher & Molloy, LLP can help you with claims and defenses for your injuries, ensuring you have the best chance to secure the coverage you deserve. Contact a local worker’s compensation lawyer to schedule an appointment.