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Work Injury Lawyer Elizabeth, NJ - Workers Compensation Lawyer Elizabeth NJ

Workers Comp Lawyer Elizabeth NJ

Hiring an experienced work injury lawyer in Elizabeth NJ may be the best thing you do for yourself if you are injured at work. Even if you do not intend to sue, even if your employer and insurance provider promise to do everything in their power to help you, consulting with an attorney can offer surprising insights and help you understand your rights and options.

work injury lawyer elizabeth nj

Among the most common and severe forms of work injury are eye, neck, and back injuries, and without coverage for their medical costs, these injuries can prove severe and life-changing.

Eye injuries:

Our Elizabeth NJ work injury lawyers see many clients suffering from work-related eye injuries. Employees are at higher risk of experiencing an eye injury if they work in an environment with an abundance of:

  • floating dust
  • concrete
  • metal particles
  • unstable or moving debris
  • building materials
  • glass
  • chemicals
  • wet or dry cement powder
  • welding lights and electrical arcing
  • thermal hazards
  • bloodborne pathogens that can enter your eye

More than 2,000 Americans experience eye injuries while on the job every day, and roughly 300,000 workers visit the emergency room every year because of a work-related eye injury. A serious eye injury has the potential not only to complicate your ability to see, but it could also complicate your ability to show up for and undertake the responsibilities of your job. If you experience an eye injury while working, you have a right to seek reparations and consult with a work injury attorney in Elizabeth NJ.

Neck Injuries:

Neck injuries may result in soft tissue injury, prolapsed discs, and even permanent paralysis. Common causes of neck injuries include:

  • whiplash from a slip and fall
  • trauma, as from a falling item
  • Improper handling of safety equipment

Our experienced Elizabeth NJ work injury lawyers have represented many clients who have sustained neck injuries at work.

Back Injuries:

Back injuries may develop over time from repeated strain, or at once due to an at-work accident. Back injuries are extremely common in work environments that require heavy lifting. However, they may happen anywhere, and are often due to a slip and fall at work. Because back strain is so common, our work injury attorneys in Elizabeth NJ often see clients who were sent to the workers comp doctor, only to be told that they have a preexisting condition. Even in instances where the client was functioning normally, only to fall at work and suddenly become immobilized. Workers compensation doctors often side with the insurance companies that pay them. And, because they are paid less through workers compensation insurance than private insurance providers, they are often less willing to give you the attention you deserve. For this and many reasons, it is best to consult with a work injury attorney in Elizabeth NJ, before your healthcare provider gets the best of you.

In any work environment, your employer is required to provide you with adequate safety training and properly functioning protective equipment. Even if the accident is your fault, you may still be entitled to work injury compensation. To learn more, contact our work injury lawyers in Elizabeth NJ and schedule a free case evaluation.


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