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How Health Insurance Companies Cut Costs - Workers Compensation Lawyer Elizabeth NJ

Workers Compensation Attorneys Elizabeth NJ

It is no secret to our Elizabeth NJ workers compensation lawyers that insurance companies employ many tactics to diminish the amount of compensation they provide to their clients. After all, that is how they keep profits up. Here are two tactics to be aware of when you pursue compensation from work related injuries.

Resistant Work Comp Adjusters
Adjusters are sent as liaisons between insurance providers and injured parties and have an incentive to keep you from getting the care you need at the expense of the insurance providers. Although they will likely promise to get clients immediate medical attention, they may be reluctant to do so. There are three ways they may fail to get you the assistance you need, which our Elizabeth NJ workers compensation lawyers know from experience:

  1. They may simply fail to provide a doctor.
  2. They may fail to provide a doctor in a reasonable amount of time.
  3. They may send clients to walk-in clinics where they won’t be seen by an actual doctor.

The adjuster does all of this in the hopes that in time the client’s issue will disappear at no cost to the insurance company, or the client will be too discouraged to continue to pursue the case. Workers’ compensation lawyers in Elizabeth, NJ have seen this time and time again.

Step Therapy
Let’s assume you’ve been able to breach the tactics of the work comp adjusters that would hold you back in your pursuit of proper medical assistance at the expense of the insurance provider. You’ve been promised medication that will treat the pain your injuries caused. However, the struggle may not stop there. Step therapy is an appalling practice that health insurance companies use to stall prescription of an effective (and therefore more expensive) medication by first having over-the-counter or cheap, generic medications prescribed that simply are not effective but are significantly cheaper to the insurance company. This involves a list of prerequisite medications that doctors must prescribe –even if they know it won’t work and don’t want to prescribe it– before they can prescribe the effective drug. The patients will take each medication for a period of time and move down the list until they receive the one that works. Of course, often this process leads patients to feel discouraged and not pursue further medication — a great result for insurance companies. Other times, the first medications may work just slightly, and the patients will remain on them not knowing how much more beneficial another medication may be.

These are just a couple of ways in which insurance companies attempt to make it harder for you to attain the proper benefits you need. Don’t let yourself become a victim of these deceptive strategies. Take the advice of Workers Compensation lawyers in Elizabeth NJ and learn to be aware of how insurance companies may attempt to hold back what you are owed.


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